𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐫 surrounds a 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕, some say he was doomed from 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗍.

sexual/romantic orientation: bisexual / biromantic. occupation: screenwriter, independent filmmaker, director/producer, published novelist. parents: his mother, cho eunjae, is a fashion designer, particularly catered to wedding dresses. his father, kang minhyun, was a field surgeon for the military until his eventual retirement where he would develop a severe case of alcoholism that would lead to his eventual demise in 2008. siblings: he has an older ( +6 years ) brother who is a plastic surgeon and an older ( +4 years ) sister who is a pediatrician. financial status: born into upper-middle class, now upper class. languages: korean, both busan and standard dialect, and he is fluent in english. pets: his pet dog, breed being american eskimo. white fur. ( canon to namjoon's dog, rapmon. ) he also has a koi fish pond in the garden area of his estate. yes, they all have names.

𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 ...

name: kang minho. nicknames: kangmin, min. when he in the states he went by matthew, so matt and matty. but he overall prefers to be called by his given name. birthday: october 3, 1994. ( korean age: 26 turning 27, standard: 25 turning 26. ) birthplace: busan, south korea. current residence: seoul, south korea. zodiac: libra sun, virgo moon, aquarius rising. gender: cismale. pronouns: he/him. face / voice claim: kim namjoon ( RM ) of bts. eyes: chestnut brown. hair: currently dyed a honey toned blonde, sometimes resembles a sandy brown. reference photos are provided for context. height: 6'2/188 cm. physique: thanks to years of helping out on his aunt and uncle's farm, after which he began to regularly work out and maintain a healthy diet, he has developed a good amount of toned muscle, from his arms, abdomen and his legs; his thighs, especially.

𝒂 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 ...

conditions: bipolar disorder i, anxiety, insomnia. vices: frequent alcohol and drug use, reckless behaviour. habits: tends to come off as cold, unfeeling. such mannerisms developed through childhood, adapting to the people who raised him. he overthinks, overspends, overcompensates. lately he's been omitting his medication, the impact of which should surely be evident. education: attended seoul national university to study medicine, as he was expected to follow in his father's footsteps, just like his siblings did. but before his first year was over, he solidified his role as the black sheep of the family, deciding to switch majors and transfer to NYU to study film. personality: decisive, sometimes impulsively so. organised and meticulous, sometimes obsessively so. charismatic and poised, but despite his sophisticated and sometimes even rigid exterior, he's fairly easygoing if you catch him in the right mood. his reputation of stoicism and a sharp tongue precedes him, but once you get to know him ( which is indeed a tedious process, so good luck ), he's far more complex than it may seem. he's witty, enjoys a good pun and craves deep conversations.

𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔 ...

✰ there was always something a little different about minho. somedays he felt like he could rule the world, other days he felt like he'd be better off buried in it. sometimes he felt everything at once, and sometimes he felt nothing at all. he claims he's always been this way, for as long as he can remember.
✰ academically he excelled. even as a kid, he was always considered bright- gifted, even. teachers would often send home notes about how multifaceted he was: how quickly he picked up on learning english, how he was reading at a much higher level than the rest of his classmates, how his vocabulary was beyond his years. all of which were crumpled up and thrown to waste by minho himself, knowing all too well his parents have already decided his path for him.
✰ as smart as he was, he would fail to see authority figures as any sort of threat which would inevitably lead them to entitle him an insubordinate persona. other students would often pick on him for his intellect, believing him to be far too grandiose: a show-off and they hated how much teachers seemed to favour him. and so, he would often fall victim to fights on the playground. but his torment followed him home, too. if his dad ever taught him anything, it was how to take a punch.
✰ he sought refuge in anything that helped him escape reality: books, movies and music. he would slowly become comfortable in his solitude, learning to suppress the ache of loneliness and ignoring the fact he had no one to call a 'friend'.

✰ his father was cold, stoic. heavy-handed on discipline. his mother was distant, always busy and traveling back and forth between south korea and the states. so as the youngest of three, minho inherently depended on his older siblings for any semblance of nurturing.
✰ his temper tantrums and general adversity proved too much for them to handle, however, and they slowly began to leave minho to his own devices, which only made matters worse. this caused a major rift within the family. minho and his older brother in particular would sometimes even get into physical altercations as they grew into adolescence.

✰ he was an outcast in his own home. his father seemed to particularly detest him, most likely due to minho being far more difficult to subdue. the two had a tumultuous relationship, prone to violence.
✰ when minho was fourteen, his father passed away, his alcoholism would be his undoing, hence why minho moved in with his aunt and uncle in busan, as he was still a minor and his siblings were attending university.
✰ he started drinking around the age of twenty - one; socially at first, habitually soon after. then came drugs: the gateway of marijuana and 'shrooms led to cocaine, a variety of pills. while he would never say he's addicted to any of these, lately he's started to choose them over his prescribed medications.

𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 ...

fears: his father, even posthumously; he often has nightmares about him. breaking bones; he has suffered bruised ribs and some sprains at the hands of his father but he's always scared of that heart-wrenching sound that implicates something within him has been shattered. a rather irrational fear about being abducted and probed by aliens. bugs, and i mean all bugs, including butterflies and ladybugs. he hates clowns and people in those big character costumes.
pet peeves: when his siblings condescendingly ask him if he's still taking his medication for his bipolar disorder. he dislikes the feeling of being interrogated and hardly appears for press interviews. that being said, he hates nosy people in general. when straight people change the pronouns in a song to fit their heterosexual agenda. overly conservative people who cannot seem to open their minds up to progressive mindsets. politics. the way his mother hasn't wished him happy birthday since he was ten.
traumas: aside from the physical abuse he suffered at home along with the bullying he received as a kid, there was one particular incident that occurred in his adulthood that he has yet to properly deal with: the mysterious disappearance of his college roommate that was later revealed to be a homicide case- and for some time, minho was the primary suspect.
miscellaneous: long flights / not having enough leg room during said flight, when microwaved meals are still cold in the middle. the few film critics that seem hellbent on never giving him a good review. spoilers. he hates spoilers. why ruin the experience, huh? just.. why?

𝒂𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 ...

aesthetics: midnight thunderstorms, the pitter patter of heavy rain against his bedroom window, foggy afternoons, spilled ink and half-written scripts, a glass of red wine with a premium steak dinner. a wardrobe of neutral or earthy colours, moonlit walks along the beach, his expensive designer shoes in his hands, leaving footprints in the sand.
activities: listening to perfectly curated playlists through his thirteenth pair of airpods ( why are they so damn easy to lose? ), playing golf, deep sea adventures, late nights at the club or the bar, exremely drunken karaoke nights ( even though he's not the best vocalist ).
skills: knows how to play the piano and the saxophone, and has dabbled in music production here and there. he knows his way around a farm and he particularly enjoys gardening. he raises flowers/plants at home.
miscellaneous: music. all different kinds of music, really. except country. he didn't like that at all when he heard it while living in the states. he feels as though he needs music to function. he is adamant on having a say how his movies are scored and regularly releases soundtracks to go along with them. loves, loves, loves girls' generation. a total SONE. he secretly stays pretty updated on kpop, enjoys the mostly cheerful energy it brings and appreciates the immense effort idols put into their work.

𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 ...

* // the following are npc's that will most likely be mentioned during interactions.

aunt soeun: she taught him how to play piano, taught him how to cook; she was like the mother he always wished he had. he doesn't understand how she is the sister of his cold-hearted mother.
uncle joohyuk: the one responsible for getting him into golf. he also taught him some fairly decent woodwork. they got along well.
grandma hyesoo: not related by blood by any means, but she certainly feels like family. she is a restaurant owner that he would easily call his favourite above anywhere else he's eaten in the world, thanks to her signature spicy stew. anytime he visits his aunt & uncle in busan, he makes sure to stop by here.
minhyuk and minju: his older brother and sister, respectively. though they are for the most part estranged.

... 𝒂𝒏 𝒆𝒙𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘.

Q: We'll start off with something simple. What is your go-to comfort movie?

A: I watch too many films to actually have a singular answer for this, but right now for some reason, off the top of my head, all I can think of is: 13 Going on 30. Don't laugh. If you laugh, I'm leaving. I swear.

Q: Tell us about your journey into becoming a filmmaker.

A: It wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be. I did a lot of short films that I'd enter into festivals. And when I decided to pursue my career here in Korea, I started as part of the writing team for a K-Drama in 2017, where I gained most of my experience in the industry. Maybe I just got lucky, I don't know but it wasn't much later when I found out that my first film was getting picked up by a production company. I could hardly believe it, so I definitely wasn't expecting the success it gained.

Q: Where do you find inspiration?

A: I mean.. anywhere, really? There's not like, a particular location I go where ideas magically light up in my head more often than any other place. My mind's always moving, it's both a blessing and a curse. My notes app is probably what takes up the most storage in my phone, to be honest. I studied a lot of Hollywood films: from old Hollywood up until present day, so I'd say I'm very much influenced by that. And of course I have the great Bong Joonho and Park Chanwook to look up to as well. I can only aspire to make a classic like Oldboy, or win Best Picture at the Oscars someday. Wouldn't that be something?

Q: What would you say is your genre of expertise? The popular opinion states you're an expert at angst.

A: Well, I don't want to limit myself. I'd like to be a jack of all trades eventually, but personally yeah, I guess my taste typically leans overall toward darker themes. But since my last two movies fall under that category, I've planned for my next one to be a little different. Something I've been saying since this has all started, it is a priority of mine to spread awareness in a more positive light to our society about the LGBTQA+ community, as well as mental health.

Q: Next one? So you're working on a new project?

A: Well, I'm always working on something, whether it be short stories that eventually turn into movie plots or little lines of poetry. But yes, I do have a film currently in the works. We're still in like, the extremely early stages of it though. So don't get too excited!

Q: Too late! We're already teeming with excitement! Ah, we'd love to ask you more questions but we know how busy you are... We do appreciate you taking the time to speak to us!

A: Well, I appreciate the excitement. I hope I'll live up to your expectations and if I don't, well... keep it to yourself, okay? Oh, yeah. No problem. Congratulations on being the one interview I agreed to do this month. It was a fun fifteen minutes, guys. Also, thanks for not asking any of the banned questions. You're real gems.


Beginning of the End ( August 2018 )
tw: implications of suicide.

synopsis: revolves around protagonist, choi inkyung, who is a young author striving to make a name for himself after facing constant rejection in both his professional and personal life. married and divorced by the age of twenty-two, relocates to the states only to end up buried up to his neck in financial debt. the movie ends with a cliffhanger, the young man sitting on a ledge with empty bottles of soju lining up beside him. he looks into the camera, and just as he starts to make a move, the screen cuts to black: leaving the audience wondering if he was moving to jump, or leave the ledge safely.

Angels Cry ( February 2020 )
tw: mention of death.

synopsis: set in the heart of new york city, the main characters are two korean american girls, practically inseparable, best friends 'til death do them part. one works as a waitress in a k-town korean bbq spot, the other is a secretary on fifth avenue. one of them dies in the beginning, but we don't find out who it is until the end. but the movie takes us through their lives together. we witness an awkward first kiss between them in their teens, repressed affection as they grow older, watch them through relationships. the timeline is a jagged puzzle and the end result provides you with a weird sense of relief and devastation all at once.

TBD ( expected 2021 )

synopsis: coming soon.


  • even when he's not dressed to the nines for events, his street style is admired throughout the industry.

  • he is very involved in every aspect of his films, from the script, to the set, to the production, everything behind the scenes and in front of the camera. some have called him overbearing, the moviemaker equivalent of micromanagement. most call him a genius.

  • both of his movies have won several awards in korea and have started to receive a lot of overseas media attention as well.

  • he has modeling experience, having posed as "the groom" in several of his mother's campaigns for her wedding dresses.


friends to lovers to exesi don't wanna be your ex, we were too good at being friends. can we still hang out on the low, get wild?

started off as friends, but the vibes between these two were so strong everyone around them always wondered if they were dating, and they finally decided to give it a try. but throughout the relationship, as happy as they were, that spark in the beginning faded out. they made the effort to keep it alive, but at the end they realised they were better off as friends. but perhaps the hope that things will go back to how they were before is an unattainable dream.

onoffonoffwe're lost in emotion. i'm sorry, unspoken. stop talking, explosion. make up sex, so broken.

an on and off relationship where they fall in and out of each other, say it's the last time but come crawling back for more. everyone knows they'll never work but something about the way they crash and burn is so addictive.

just friendssay we're just friends, but if we're fucking, are we just friends?

your typical friends with benefits situation. we can talk more about the details. there could be unrequited feelings, suppressed feelings, etc.

remember mewrote you a letter, now that i'm here without you. hope that you're better, hope that you found someone new.

wishful thinking to believe your first love would be your only love. when there's no end in sight, the heartbreak of separation is ten times more devastating. this relationship most likely took place in his late teens and they most likely broke up due to him moving overseas to study abroad.

𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 — actors/actresses that he's worked with for his movies. friends, former flings, past and present hook-ups, friends from when he lived in busan, friends from when he was studying in new york city, enemies/frenemies.


i. standard rules apply. be respectful mun-to-mun, don't godmod my muse, and keep ic drama ic. if you as a mun are starting to feel uncomfortable with a plot we have, please don't be afraid to reach out to me ooc! either through dms or my discord, which will always available upon request. i'm constantly changing my DN so it's easier if you just ask!
ii. mature themes will be prominently present, so please be advised. nsfw content will primarily stay in dms and/or his priv account. mun is of age and i do not want to interact with any minors, so if you are one, please sb or refrain from following!
iii. as far as literacy goes, if you start, i will mirror you or if i'm starting, i'll ask you what you prefer! i am open to writing in script or in para. i will never rush you for a reply and i expect the same courtesy in return.
iv. i feel like this is needless to say but my muse is not limited to his carrd. also his actions and opinions do not always reflect my own, but rest assured, there will be no homophobia or racism on this account or nor will i condone it anywhere on my tl.
v. if you would like to fulfill a wanted connection just hit me up! we can discuss the details further and make any changes necessary.